Saying Thank You Doesn't Cover It!

This past year and a half has been one of the most challenging years that any small business has ever gone through. Whether it be the restaurant industry, the clothing industry or any business, this past year and a half has been anything but easy. Small businesses have had to fight for the right to survive. Throughout my entire life I have heard the saying, "survival of the fittest." I'm sure that is something that every one of you have heard and understand, but the fact of the matter is that it doesn't really mean what you think it does, at least not to me.

If there is one thing that this pandemic has proved it is that community and friendships matter. I can go on and on about the acts of kindness we have seen from many of you over this whole ordeal, but it wouldn't cover everything that has been done for us. You all have supported us when we needed you most and that is something that goes beyond the ideals of business and leaks in to the ideals of friendship/community. Survival of the fittest is a myth. The ones that survive are the ones that have a team, a village if you will, that lifts them up when there is nothing but worry. You all have done that for us in more ways than you can imagine.

Whether you came in to say that you were thinking of us or buying gift cards that you tore up in front of our faces just to support us, the love has been felt and it is beyond anything that we could say or understand. The question that I have for you is what can we do, what can we do to show how valued you all are to us? That's easy, we will continue to provide you with the best in men's fashions and a customer experience that you cannot find anywhere else. We will continue to provide you with laughs and fun when you shop with us. We will continue to be there when you need us and the best part is, we know that you all will be there when we need you most as well.

There is one story that continually plays in my mind throughout this pandemic. Back in July of 2020, there was a local lawyer that came in. He said how much he valued our service and valued the quality of our products. What he didn't say (at first) was the fact that my business partner, Rick Coffee, essentially gave him clothing back in the 90s to help him look great to get the best possible clients to help make his law firm a success. Rick would kill me for writing this about him, but I believe this shows why you all have supported us. It's because we have supported you. Whether it comes in the outfit that you proposed to your significant other in, to the wedding day suit, to the outfit you did your first $1,000,000 deal in, we have been there. That is an honor that we do not take lightly. I strongly believe that is why we have been able to survive, because of your dedication to us and our dedication to you. Survival of the fittest only works if your mindset is singularly focused on self. Luckily, we have proved that in a world of self indulgence, greed and a lack of compassion, there are still people that lift others up when they are down.

As mentioned in the title of this blog, saying thank you could never be enough to express our gratitude. We are humbled, we are blessed and we are grateful to be serving a community that continually serves us. So, with that being said, we hope you know how much we value you and we hope you will continue giving us the honor of serving you.

See you soon,

James R. Bower Jr. (Jimmy)


1 comment

  • Sandi Martin

    This is well- written and sincere. Your dedication to your customers comes back to bless you.
    Love this store!

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